PeopleSoft Login Fails

Peoplesoft has an interesting authentication process, and basically it goes something like this.

When you attempt to login in a 2-tier mode, for example in HR trying to log into application designer using the user “PS”, what will end up happening is it will lookup the connect id and password that is assigned in the Configuration Manager setup (pscfg). This user is a database user typically called “people”. This database user is granted select access by the grant.sql script when the system is built on the tables: psstatus, psoprdefn, psaccessprfl. In Oracle there is another table that this user can access and that is PS.PSDBOWNER (there is a public synonym so you can just look for PSDBOWNER).

The PSSTATUS table needs to have the OWNERID field set the main owner of the database. In Oracle it is by default “sysadm”, in SQL Server the default was typically “sa”, but that changed with the introduction of the access id profile, and so it would be the access id that you setup that should be in this field for SQL Server.

The PSOPRDEFN table needs to have the OPRID you are trying to log into with, and the OPERPSWD needs to be set correctly, this field is encrypted, but if you need to change it, go into SQL and update the password, and make sure you change the ENCRYPTED field to “0” zero. Then you can re-encrypt the password by running datamover in bootstrap mode and executing the command: ENCRYPT_PASSWORD *;. Also note the field SYMBOLICID, it needs to match the SYMBOLICID in the psaccessprfl table.

The PSACCESSPRFL has the fields SYMBOLICID, ACCESSID and ACCESSPSWD. The SYMBOLICID needs to match the symbolicid of the psoprdefn table entries. You can have multiple SYMBOLICID’s however, make sure they are all valid. PeopleSoft can throw errors if this table has invalid entries, or if the ACCESSID has limited access (but that is another story). The ACCESSID and ACCESSPSWD should be set to same user as the OWNERID in PSSTATUS. If you need to change these values do so in SQL, make sure you change the ENCRYPTED field to “0” zero, and then in datamover bootstrap mode execute the command: ENCRYPT_PASSWORD *;

Lastly, in Oracle, make sure that the PSDBOWNER table has one row that contains the database name, and the OWNERID as mentioned above. I always make these fields UPPERCASE as well.

If all of these entries are set correctly, you should have no trouble logging into PeopleSoft.

Note: The reason bootstrap works with a database user is that it skips over the PeopleSoft authentication and simply authenticates using the database security, however, bootstrap should be used with CAUTION.

CMDTUX_CAT:122 Error configuring PeopleSoft Application Server

I just started working for a new client, and they have a very long domain name, and then the new servers they created for their new HR 9.1 environment were on a subdomain as well.  So the server name (LMID – logical machine ID) exceeds 30 characters in length, which happens to cause Tuxedo to get very angry.  I found the easy way to resolve this issue is by doing the following:

Step: 1
Add a new environment variable called PMID (physical machine id). The value I set to simply the machine name (without the domain).
export PMID=psappmachine1

Step: 2
Verify that there is a psappmachine1 reference in the hosts file so that the IP can resolve
more /etc/hosts

Step: 3
Change the psappsrv.ubx file that is in the $PS_HOME/appserv directory. Change all references to {MACH} to the value of PMID, making sure that the case matches exactly.
vi psappsrv.ubx

Step: 4
Build a new domain for the application server and there should be no CMDTUX_CAT:122 or 868 errors.

PeopleSoft Project Object Reference

This is a quick handy guide to PeopleSoft Application Designer Project Definition References and their key tables.  In the document PeopleSoft Object Reference you will find a more extensive break down of the common objects and their table references.

Object Type Object Type Definition Meta-Data Record
3 Field Format PSFMTDEFN
4 Translate Value PSXLATITEM
8 Record PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
9 Menu PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
11 Tree Structure PSTREESTRCT
13 Access Group PS_ACCESS_GRP_TBL
16 Business Process Map
17 Business Process PSBUSPROCDEFN
20 Process Definition PRCSDEFN
21 Process Server Definition PS_SERVERDEFN
22 Process Type Definition PS_PRCSTYPEDEFN
23 Process Job Definition PS_PRCSJOBDEFN
24 Process Recurrence Definition PS_PRCSRECUR
25 Message Catalog PSMSGCATDEFN
26 Dimension PS_DIMENSION
27 Cube Definition
28 Cube Instance Definition
29 Business Interlink PSIODEFN
31 File Layout PSFLDDEFN
32 Component Interface PSBCDEFN
33 Application Engine Program PSAEAPPLDEFN
34 Application Engine Section PSAESECTDEFN
36 Message Channel PSMSGCATDEFN
37 Message PSMSGDEFN
38 Approval rule set APPR_RULE_HDR
39 Message PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
40 Subscription PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
41 N/A
42 Component Interface PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
43 Application Engine PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
44 Page PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
45 Page Field PeopleCode
46 Component PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
47 Component Record PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
48 Component Record Field PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
50 Style sheet
52 File References PSFILEREDEFN
53 Permission List PSCLASSDEFN
54 Portal Registry Definitions
55 Portal Registry Structure PSPRSMDEFN
56 URL Definitions PSURLDEFN
57 Application Packages PSPACKAGEDEFN
58 Application Package PeopleCode PSPCMPROG
59 Portal Registry User Homepage
60 Problem Type
61 Archive Templates
63 Portal Registry User Favorite
64 Mobile Page PSMPDEFN
65 Relationships
66 Component Interface Property PeopleCode
67 Optimization Models
68 File References PSFILEREDEFN
70 Archive Object Definitions
71 Archive Templates – Type 2
72 Diagnostic Plug In
73 Analytic Model
79 Service PSSERVICE
80 Service Operation PSOPERATION
81 Service Operation Handler PSOPRHDLR
82 Service Operation Ver PSOPRVERDFN
83 Service Operation Routing SIBRTNGDEFN
84 Info Broker Queues SIBQUEUEINST
85 XLMP Template Definition
86 XLMP Report Definition
87 XMLP File Definition
88 XMLP Data Source Definition

Converting dos to unix ascii files

There is just nothing in this world that is universal and that even includes straight up text files. When carriage returns are stored in windows they are stored as Carriage Return & Line Feed, however, in unix they are stoed as just Carriage Return.

So when you ftp a file from windows to unix sometimes you will see ^M characters at the end of each line. This is because the files has been transferred as a binary file versus an ascii file. Most ftp (sftp, ftps, etc..) programs will convert the carriage returns correctly if the file is set to transfer in ascii mode based on the operating system it is going to.

However, if by chance you end up with a “dos” based file on your unix system and you want to convert it. A quick simple trick is to use the vi editor using the the :set ff command.

Simply open the text file in the vi editor, and type
:set ff=unix

This will change the file format from dos to unix based and the carriage return problem should be solved!