Password Encrypt Fails on Tools 8.53

When trying to encrypt the passwords using the datamover script encrypt.dms or just using the ENCRYPT_PASSWORD *; command I got an error that was showing that there was an error with msgver.cpp trying to UPDATE the PSLOCK table for CLM. Interestingly enough I could not find any cases that seem to make any sense, but putting a couple of things together, I decided to check the database version levels.

It turned out that for SQL Server 2012 running on PeopleTools 8.53.02, you need to be at a minimum of CU3. So after apply the cumulative update #3 patch to my new SQL Server 2012 64-bit install, the problem went away without a problem.

(SQR 1803) CONNECT failed

Just working on a new install on a Windows 2008 R2 system with the newest toolset 8.53, and the Process Scheduler fired up great and runs nicely, but when I tried to run SQR, I got an (SQR 1803) CONNECT failed error.

It turns out the in 8.53 toolset, the SQR uses the 32 bit ODBC to connect to the database. After running the program: c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and configuring a 32-bit connection the SQR ran without a problem.


Error: OpenSCManager failed – Access is denied. (0x5)
Script unable to complete successfully – exiting

When installing Weblogic PIA as a service on Windows using the installNTService.cmd program, this error will pop up if you do not have the proper administrative privileges. This error is not PeopleSoft based it is a Windows OS error. Since the introduction of UAC (User Access Controls) this error can occur because of the user privileges.

I always change the administrative account to have no UAC controls, but in cases where the administrative user must have the privilege, you can simply run the DOS command feature as Administrator (right click on the command program) and select “Run As Administrator”. You will see a DOS window and it will be titled “Administrator: Windows Command Processor”.

SQR Fails to Start on PSNT

Working on a new PSNT server, I ran into the following error:

Error! SQR Failed To Process
*** System Error Code 2
****** PS_StartProc: CreateProcess failed:
cmd = e:\psoft\pt852\bin\sqr\ORA\binw\sqrw
******************* Error ***********************

This looks serious, but if you look closely, you might actually see the problem. When the Process Scheduler Domain is built it defaults the SQRBIN parameter. In my case, my %PS_HOME% was e:\psft\pt852 not e:\psoft\pt852. After changing the SQRBIN parameter to: %PS_HOME%\bin\sqr\ORA\bin….. Everything was good! Don’t forget to stop/restart the process scheduler for this change to take effect.

Pagelet for IB Workcenter renders error

Last week I was giving a demonstration on Enterprise Portal or as some like to call it the “Interaction Hub”, and as I was asking some questions about their existing architecture I found they had an odd issue.  In their demo environments the new Integration Broker Workcenter comes up without a problem, but in their existing production environments the workcenter page comes up but the left navigation collection pagelet renders with the following message:

Error executing pagelet.
Detailed error description:
Pagelet Wizard is not available.
Pagelets cannot be used unless a Portal Pack (or the Enterprise Portal) has been installed.

This struck me as an odd error message, and after some google searches and a good look through MOS, I could not find anything that generated a solution to the problem.  I did find some notes where invalid XSL caused issues, and I found another issue where the temp directory was invalid on windows 2008 (make sure temp directory exists).

I had the client check to make sure that the production installation table was correct and that the license code was correct, and in both cases they were fine.  So this left me with no answer without digging in.  However, I was working on an upgrade for another client on the weekend and as I was doing the last touch ups on the system I found a DMS script that had the following statement in it:


This statement enables Navigation Collections and the Pagelet Wizard pagelets within an environment. Once this statement was ran, we had success.