SmartPanda announces the new PeopleSoft AA Exceptions Tool
Available now for Campus Solutions 9.0 and 9.2
New ~ Watch the Demo Video of the AA Exceptions tool
You’ve gone to a lot of trouble to configure your Advisement Rules – why settle for anything less than an accurate Degree Audit for every student, if possible?
Creating timely and accurate Student Exceptions is often the key to a personalized, accurate degree audit.
The AA Exceptions Tool puts the power in Advisors’ hands to serve students:
- To Create Student Exceptions by clicking directly on the degree audit itself (Req Group, Req or Line)
- To Click and create Exceptions with minimal keystrokes, without needing to know Group Numbers or Requirements Numbers
- Then the degree audit immediately refreshes and they can see the Exception’s impact real-time

The AA Exceptions Tool streamlines Exceptions entry to the least possible amount of keystrokes!
You and your students will benefit
- Hours of saved time in manual entry for your records staff
- Faster service and results for your new and transferring students
Contact TheSmartPanda to schedule a free demo
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Delivered Student Exceptions Entry pages are far too Cumbersome
Using delivered Campus Solutions pages to enter Exceptions involves far too many steps
- You are selecting Career, Program Plan and other parameters before you even get to enter the exception details.
- On the second page you must select the Group, Requirement or Line.
- Then you are navigating through Course Searches for Directives.
AA Exceptions Tool condenses Exceptions entry to one page and to the fewest amount of clicks possible.
AA Exceptions Tool is unique because of 3 Powerful Features
- We’ve defaulted every field possible so you have as few clicks as possible!
- We include Career and Security configuration so you can tightly control who can use the tool
- The Exception feeds directly to the delivered Exceptions page so you can still view and edit it later.
Appropriate for institutions at all stages
- You have been on PeopleSoft Adivsement for many years but you still labor with many manually entered Exceptions
- You are newly deploying PS Advisement and you haven’t had time or money yet to build out Exception business processes
- You are new on 9.2 or preparing for a 9.2 Upgrade and want to maximize your staff’s time to ensure the highest possible quality and student service
Serves your Institution’s core Academic Mission
We know that faster exceptions entry and more accurate results for your new applicants and transfer students will only accelerate your core academic mission. Your students will learn what rules they need to satisfy as fast as possible, and your students’ Academic Advising will be as timely and accurate as possible.
License the Exceptions Tool and you will automatically inherit SmartPanda support:
- We answer your questions about the tool
- We advise you in tailoring Exceptions entry for your institution
- You gain access to best practices to optimize your student services!
Contact TheSmartPanda to schedule a free Demo