SmartPanda announces new PeopleSoft Data Trees
Available now for Campus Solutions (CS) v9.0 and v9.2, Human Capital Management (HCM) v9.2, and Financial & Supply Chain Management (FSCM) v9.2.
What if you could take any data set and deploy it to users in collapsible tree-like folders, so that users can drill down and up through it intuitively?
Data Trees is an Analytics innovation from the engineers at SmartPanda.
Data Trees is a pure Bolt On application – it touches no delivered code.
Contact TheSmartPanda to schedule a free demo
Check out our other Bolt On offerings
Data Trees brings you these innovative capabilities
1. Drill down and up through any data set in collapsible folders
For any Data Set, users can explore intuitively ~~ click the folders to move down to greater levels of detail, all the way down to specific line-item transactions. For example the following screenshot shows a Financials Item Type tree drilling all the way down to individual charges and payments!

What Data Sets can you deploy to users? Any PeopleSoft Table or View, whether delivered or custom. But Data Sets can also be Queries! By simply building a Query, you can create specialized sets of data that are useful to certain users, and deploy them immediately and securely.
2. Trees are versatile ~~ the user can select how the tree behaves
- Filter on data elements in the tree – for our Financials example, filter by Customer ID, Item Type, Item Amount etc.
- Control what the Details node displays – for example at the lowest transactional level of the tree you may select to view Item Number and Amount
- Change the Folders hierarchy in the tree – for example in the following tree, the user has selected Subject at the highest level and Term as the secondary level. These tree levels are changed and refreshed with a single keystroke

3. Trees are Actionable
When the user reaches the lowest, transactional level of the tree, the detail node is hyperlinked! The user can
- Click the detail to view the transaction in a related Grid on the same Page
- Click from the transaction to launch the PeopleSoft page where the transaction originated

We’re on a Usability Quest!
The SmartPanda engineers do not sit still. We know your data is your business and we’re on a mission to provide the most intuitive, relevant data provisioning possible in PeopleSoft.
License Data Trees and you will automatically inherit these new features. Your license also comes with SmartPanda support:
- We answer your questions about the tool
- We advise you in tailoring the datasets for your institution
- You gain access to best practices to understand your data!
Contact TheSmartPanda to schedule a free Demo