SmartPanda announces Transfer Credit breakthroughs
Available now for Campus Solutions (CS) v9.0 and v9.2
At your school, does transfer credit processing present a laborious task that impedes the level of student service you want to provide?
- You are manually entering too many transcripts
- You spend hours figuring out what credit to grant
- Your transfer data has gotten confusing and inconsistent
With today’s technology, we can do better!
Transfer Credit Inefficiencies deplete your service
- Applicants don’t know how their credit will transfer
- Students don’t know what to enroll for
- Faculty and staff are not well-equipped to advise transfer students
Introducing Two Breakthrough technologies, the latest inventions in SmartPanda’s unrelenting quest to “End Transfer Credit (As We Know It)”
Contact TheSmartPanda to schedule a free demo
Check out our other Bolt On offerings
Real-time Transfer with One Click?
We’ve been talking about it for years so we finally just did it!
We are proud to offer you new tools for immediate, fully automated movement of enrollments. Can you imagine applicants to your school clicking one button and seeing their credit real-time?
No more paper forms and waiting weeks to transfer!
Here’s how we do it
- According to HEUG, there are 900 schools running PeopleSoft ~~ are any of them your Feeders?
If so, this takes all the guesswork out of the equation because we’re moving enrollments from the Feeder STDNT_ENRL into your EXT_COURSE – it’s as simple as that!
- Feeders not on PS? It’s OK the tools are sender-agnostic.
You can receive enrollments from schools running Banner, Datatel, or any sending institution that can receive a web service fetch.
- The mapping is simple
For your Feeders who will use this service, mapping is simple — fill out one-page mapping tables for Grades and Term Codes, and you are ready to go
- Real-time with Delivered Technologies
We leverage delivered PeopleSoft technologies including Web Services, PeopleCode and Component Interface to bring your students, faculty and staff immediate results!
Look Ma – No Rules!
The other bane of transfer credit is articulations and equivalencies — so many schools, so many courses, how can you keep straight what credits to award!
Get ready because we’re announcing “No Rules” transfer processing!
The only rule is – You should Never have to touch the Same Course from the Same School twice!
Think about it this way … what is the difference between transfer history and transfer rules … the answer is many times “not much.”
With one click your staff can
- View what they’ve already given previous students for the same course, transferring from the same school
- Automatically grant credit (equivalent Course IDs) based on what previous students were awarded
Our innovative “Load History” algorithm is Configurable
- You determine what priorities and criteria we use when we go out and find those previous courses to award
If you’ve built Transfer Rules – go ahead keep using them! Use “Load History” to automatically fill in the gaps!
Transfer Breakthroughs – get a Live Demo!
The SmartPanda engineers do not sit still. As we learn from our customers and from experienced consultants, we continually add more features, expanding your tool’s comprehensiveness and flexibility.
- Learn about companion products Rule Maker and Transcript Express
License these Transfer Breakthroughs and you will automatically inherit new features. Your license also comes with SmartPanda support:
- We answer your questions about the tools
- We advise you in configuring them for your institution
- You gain access to best practices to improve your processes