Unicode in a Non-Unicode Database

Ran into an odd issue when moving file attachments from the database to file storage.  When users attached files sometimes those filenames contained unicode characters and the process PeopleSoft employees to addAttachments and/or putAttachments allows those characters to pass into the database, however because the database is non-unicode in order to reference those filenames the unicode character references need to be scrubbed out of the filenames in order for the copyAttachment function to work.

Oracle Allows you to use the function unistr to put a unicode reference into a string.  In order to work through them I found references for unicode characters, this allowed list out the original file name which had references like <80><99> from a unix output file, so I generated a file that removed the <80><99> reference and added in a || unistr(‘\characternumber’) || reference:

update ps_pv_att_db_srv set attachsysfilename = ‘USER12014-01-01-’  where attachsysfilename = ‘USER12014-01-’ || unistr(‘\2019’) || ‘ish_Restaurant.pdf’;

It isn’t pretty but it works.  I had a whole series of characters in the database that just should not have been there which included commas, quotas, semi-colons, question marks, many odd ball characters like trademark, copyright, registered, french accent characters etc…. Once I had the file attachment record fixed, make sure that you also update the file attachment reference record as well to the same name.

I didn’t try it out in SQL Server as I didn’t have any references to it but there is a UNICODE function that should behave very closely to Oracle’s UNISTR.

PeopleSoft – Move File Attachments (Database to SFTP)

This is the scenario, client needs to move from database stored file attachments to an actual file share, this allows them to remove 1/4 of their entire database storage needs out to a storage area.  Clearly this is a good thing. So, here is the quick run down on what we did:

1. Copy all the existing URL references that contained record:// for backup purposes.

2. Setup a SSH account with a SSH key pair for security

3. Install the SSH key pair into the digital certificates

4. Change all the existing URLs that point to the database storage to the new SFTP storage locations.

5. Run the Orphan cleanup process for File Attachments

6. Copy the file attachments from the OLDURL to the NEWURL

7. Setup the default file attachment server to use the new URL attachment server.

8. Generate a list of all the attachments moved into the file storage and compare that against what was actually in the attachment record

9. Purged the attachment record of all the migrated files.

10.  Updated attachment reference records when necessary if they referenced the old URL in any way.

This is where we ran into an interesting problem with unicode characters.  The process was relatively slow, and we found that to move approximately 200,000 files took about 40 hours.  So to get into production what we did was made a copy of production and run the process in a test environment.  Then we moved all the files that we copied to the production file share and than removed all the entries from the database attachment record that were already moved and then ran the tiny subset of new attachments out to the storage so we could minimize our downtime.


mySQL: Collation Issue

For some reason I was looking at my wordpress site and found that my database collation was set incorrectly.  I have about 10 other word press sites and all of them are correct, but I had one stand out.  I found that I had about 15 tables in my database with the incorrect collation as well. So to fix this, I did the following:

Database Level:

Table Level (including the existing columns):
alter table convert to character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;

Database Cloning Missing Temp Datafiles

I don’t pretend to be an Oracle DBA but I can fuddle my way through most of it without too much of an issue, but there are some really odd things with how Oracle works that drive me crazy.  One of the things that drives me crazy is cloning.  In SQL Server I can clone a database very easily and usually very quickly.  Oracle NOT so much.  I have written a procedure to follow for cloning in the past that is missing a very critical element so I am updated that post and also writing it here for future reference.

When I clone the database I simply copy my data directory with houses my temp and perm tablespaces, and the recreate statement I use puts all the permanent tablespaces back in, but the temporary ones need to be re-added as well.  This can be done with the command:

ALTER tablespace {TableSpaceName} add TEMPFILE ‘{Directory Path/TableSpace.dbf}’ reuse;

If you look in the dump file that is mentioned in the cloning post, at the bottom you should find the TEMPFILE reuse statements for the database.  Just copy them and change the paths and add that to the create script or run the steps manually in sqlplus and you will be good to go!

Oracle Client Install Fails

Okay now this is going to be relatively uncommon for most people, but often times in recent years PeopleSoft requires that we install 32 bit & 64 bit versions of the Oracle Client in order to make everything work as PeopleSoft has been transitioning from 32 bit Windows to 64 bit Windows.

So if you are flying through the installation of a new machine and you put the 32 bit version on without a problem and then try to install the 64 bit version you might run into an error. There are a few reasons this might happen but for me the problem was with a service called:  “OracleRemExecService”.  This service gets created during installation of 32 bit and 64 bit clients, but for some reason doesn’t remove itself cleanly in all situations.  If you stop the service it should stop cleanly and then delete itself.

Continue with your other installation!