O-SES: Classic Menu Search

When trying to get Oracle Secure Enterprise Search working on an environment there happens to be several places that call the search, one is on the classic menu which some people are still using. However, the search often will return an error using the O-SES.

An error has occurred while performing search, please contact your administrator.

In order to fix this you need to make a call to a different iscript: Navigate to PeopleTools -> Portal -> Structure and Content, select “Portal Objects”, then “Pagelets”, then “PeopleSoft Applications”. You should see a cref link for “Menu – Classic”, click on edit and change the iScript Parameter from ISCRIPT2 to ISCRIPT1. Save, Logout and try again! You might have to bounce the application server to make this fix work, but in the case I was working on, it worked without a bounce.